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¿Qué se siente tener un hermano con autismo?
La primera vez que escuche esta pregunta no supe qué responder, y no porque el autismo sea un enigma para mí, sino porque tener un hermano con autismo es -en mi caso- lo mismo que tener un hermano, así sin más. Para todos los que tienen hermanos, seguro me entienden mejor. La hermandad, es la…
Read moreThe “Parents” of people with autism, we are also “visible”
I remember very well, when I participated in the workshops and training hours, in the II International Autism Conference held in the city of Manizales (Colombia), in 2014: I was surprised to see that 95% of the participants were women, who were largely mothers and other professionals. As information…
Read moreVacation? A mix of emotions
It has been a few years since we traveled by plane as a family. We were excited about the vacation we had planned and for which we had anticipated our son Juan José, a 20-year-old young man with autism. Everything was going very well until, for reasons we still don't understand, something bothered him emotionally and he couldn't...
Read moreThe social environment an ally to teach skills
From my experience as a psychologist, I have had the opportunity to share and interact with young people on the autism spectrum, where each one of them, from their way of being, shows me various perspectives of thinking, feeling and acting. Respecting each other's differences, creating a relationship of equality, in which we strengthen each other. This has been…
Read moreSantiago and its inclusion process
One of the biggest fears we had in the face of autism was schooling; because we know that a large part of the progress made in its process is in a correct school inclusion. His preschool stage was done by the hand of a kindergarten, which, although it did not have established adaptation processes...
Read moreMy experience as a dad
Óscar Julián: You called me dad and I have never heard your voice again Sergio Andrés: You walked waving your hands and moving your head from left to right I will never forget the previous two scenes that made me realize that something was wrong with my children . In the following paragraphs I will write, in the form…
Read moreHarassment or ignorance?
On that occasion I want to refer to this article published on June 6 -y-espia-a-una-mujer/?outputType=amp-type, which is accompanied by an image that in my opinion leaves a wrong and stigmatizing message. (a group of women, one of them holds up a sign that says "Not one less"). According to this publication, a woman felt harassed by a…
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